Knowledge is a very powerful tool to initiate action. At ACIDD, we do our very best to disseminate the knowledge and the skills needed in responding to the needs of individuals with co-occurring intellectual disability and mental disorders. Training in various aspects of disability including mental health, and intellectual disability are conducted by competent professionals for interested parties that include youth, students, professionals, care providers, and the public at large.

ACIDD takes various approaches in disseminating information. We understand that knowledge about, and positive perception of, the issues can assist in building a sympathetic and supportive society in which families can raise their loved ones. Our initiatives, therefore, reach out to the greater society, provide education regarding:

  • Rights of people with mental illness and intellectual disability
  • Protective Laws and Statutes
  • Campaign Against Abuse
  • Privileges
  • Assistance and Handling

Education is directed to both families and their loved ones with mental illness. Family members need to fully grasp the nature of their loved one’s disabilities. Knowledge enables families and those that have mental disorders to better appreciate the reality of their situation and help them identify their options. Meanwhile, trainings centered on the necessary skills in the care of persons with disabilities are also conducted.

For more information, and to know more about training topics, visit the Workshops page.